Why do you need to do video for your business?

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30 years ago people said a personal computer wasn’t a necessity to run your business.

20 years ago people were saying it wasn’t necessary for your business to have an online presence

10 years ago people were saying that social media was only for personal use. How wrong were they?

Are you presently debating whether you need video in your business? Let us show you why the answer should be a very easy yes!

Video converts.
Our experience shows that the videos we produce triple conversion rates for online retailers. It’s as easy as that: put a video on a product you’re trying to sell and you’re a lot more likely to have someone buy it as a result of the video.

Internet = Video
We recently spoke with Kevin Bloch who’s the CTO of Cisco and he told us that by 2021 82% of all internet traffic will be video traffic. Businesses cannot afford to be left out of this trend. You need to stay modern and relevant if you want your customers to consume your brand.

Video = Visibilty
Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine after Google? What does that tell you? People want all their queries delivered in VIDEO CONTENT! Not only that but Google ranks your page higher for SEO purposes if you have video content on your site.

Emotions and trust.
You are more like to gain that trust through video than through any other mean. Through video people get to know your real personality – and if that comes across well and resonates with your audience then you’ve immediately got trust. It’s a well known fact that people purchase on emotion, and in terms of emotion nothing is more emotive than video.

Use that emotion to connect with your customers. If you don’t use it, then I’m sure as hell your competitors will!

Lastly, you may have heard of the term B2B, or B2C, well you know what, I’m not a big fan of cliches or jargon, but last week I heard of a term that really resonated and that’s H2H. Human 2 Human.

If you think about it, that is how all business across the world is conducted. Companies don’t buy off companies, a person in a company buys off another person in a company, so always remember H2H is easily achieved through video.


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